Life at Disney: Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Learn more about Hong Kong Disneyland through employee stories on the Life at Disney blog.

樂園營運款待專員 Brian

策劃及工業工程經理 Emily

讓夢想啟航! 如果你敢夢敢想,而且希望同我哋一樣成為香港迪士尼嘅演藝人員,歡迎出席我哋嘅招聘活動!
December 26 已儲存的職位
February 21 職業領域
February 27 學生及應屆畢業生
April 15 Life at Disney 網誌
April 22 我們的品牌
July 31 我們
July 31 社區
July 31 新聞中心
September 25 求職者資源
October 21 Life at Disney: Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
Learn more about Hong Kong Disneyland through employee stories on the Life at Disney blog.
October 29 A Dream to Perform Comes True for a Disney Intern at Hong Kong Disneyland
Natalie, a talented Taiwanese student pursuing her passions as a Technology & Digital Team intern, recently lived out a dream she has held close to her heart since childhood: performing live at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.
October 29 Ben’s Journey from Human Resources to Facility Services
Discover how Ben's 12-year journey at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort transformed from a role in Human Resources to his current position as Facility Asset Management Manager. Ben shares how Disney’s supportive environment and his willingness to embrace new opportunities shaped his career path.
October 22 A Dream to Perform Comes True for a Disney Intern at Hong Kong Disneyland
Natalie, a talented Taiwanese student pursuing her passions as a Technology & Digital Team intern, recently lived out a dream she has held close to her heart since childhood: performing live at the Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel.
October 29 Growing a Garden of Magic at Hong Kong Disneyland
Meet Dion, a Horticulture Manager at Hong Kong Disneyland! She has created a 20 year career full of passion and creativity! Read more here!
October 29 From Disney Internships to Beyond: Meet Three Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Cast Members Making an Impact
Life at Disney blog takes you behind the scenes of The Walt Disney Company and its employees to give you a glimpse into what it's like to be part of the story.
February 23 Disney Internships Lead to Magical Friendships and Careers at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
October 30 Finding New Angles with Data Science: Meet Henry
Principal Architect of Data Science, Henry helps pioneer the future of technology through innovative ideas at HKDL along with his teammates.
August 02 香港迪士尼營運
August 02 香港迪士尼實習計劃
August 02 香港迪士尼院校計劃
2 月13 及14 日 (星 期四及五) | 上午9 時30 分至下 午4 時30 分 | 迪士尼樂園招聘中心 二月招聘會
任何招聘查詢,可以聯絡招聘熱線 9339-3882 (WhatsApp/WeChat/致電)。
2 月13 至15 日 (星期 四至六) | 下午12 時至下午4 時 | 香港迪士尼樂園酒店 1 樓健身室接待處 救生員招聘日
任何招聘查詢,可以聯絡招聘熱線 9339-3882 (WhatsApp/WeChat/致電)。
February 21 | 下午1時至下午4時30分 | 迪士尼樂園招聘中心 餐飲招聘日
申請人請攜同身份證、銀行戶口號碼、英文住址證明、工作及學歷證明 ( 正本及副本 )出席面試。 任何招聘查詢,可以聯絡招聘熱線 9339-3882 (WhatsApp/WeChat/致電)。
福利 我們的福利
員工故事 Life at Disney 網誌
事業發展 求職者資源
多元、公平與包容 文化與價值觀 員工故事 工作與創新 學生及應屆畢業生 Life at Disney: Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
工作機會 員工故事 學生及應屆畢業生 A Dream to Perform Comes True for a Disney Intern at Hong Kong Disneyland
工作機會 員工故事 學生及應屆畢業生 A Dream to Perform Comes True for a Disney Intern at Hong Kong Disneyland
員工故事 學生及應屆畢業生 From Disney Internships to Beyond: Meet Three Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Cast Members Making an Impact
員工故事 學生及應屆畢業生 Disney Internships Lead to Magical Friendships and Careers at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
工作機會 餐飲招聘日
工作機會 招聘盛會
工作機會 招聘盛會
工作機會 餐飲招聘日